"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!"

(Attributed to Einstein)

Discover your unique genius!

Then learn how to invite the best genius in the people around you!

How would your life be different if you understood your genius and you were swimming in a space where your talents were valued?

Your work would be more fun!

Because you would get to do things that were strengths for you.

More energy

When you do things that align with your genius, you replenish energy.

Better Opportunities

When you are playing in your space of genius, better opportunities flow to you.

How to invite the best of everything into your life!


Step 1: Understand Yourself

I help you understand your unique personality. This helps you recognize your strengths and weaknesses and start to understand how others are perceiving you right now. This allows you to lean into your strengths, and mitigate others perceptions of your weaknesses.


Step 2: Understand Others

I teach you clues for how to determine other personalities and motivations. When you understand how to think about people who are different than you in a positive light (focusing on their strengths) you have taken the first step to gaining influence with them.


Step 3: Step into Genius

Once you understand yourself and the people around you, I can help you make a customized plan for how to authentically step into your genius and find more joy in life. In this way you invite great things into your life in a natural way that helps everyone.

I would love to help you discover your genius and then make a plan to step into that genius!

When I first discovered the True Colors® personality and communication framework it helped me accept who I am and relish my talents instead of trying to be someone else. It specifically helped me understand why the job I had at that time was causing so much stress in my life.

I am now certified to teach this framework, and I would love to share it with you. In our 90 minute session I will walk you through your True Colors® assessment, and then together we will evaluate your current circumstances and goals and talk about how the information you gain through your assessment can help you move to a place of greater happiness and fulfillment.

So are you ready to move forward with discovering your genius and applying it?

I am happy to answer your questions.

Grab a free 30 minute spot on my calendar and I will be happy to answer any questions you have!

Sign up here!

After you fill out your payment details you will be taken to the calendar to schedule your 90 minute Personal Genius Discovery Session with Stanley (on Zoom).

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