As a young adult I was excited to create a great life for my family. But I found that my ambition often made people around me uncomfortable. As a result, I felt like I annoyed people, and people annoyed me. How was a person supposed to find good opportunities if pushing for those opportunities made people want to keep them from those opportunities? Who wants to play a game where you have to work hard but you don't get to win?
At a conference I learned about the True Colors® framework and it transformed my ability to connect with people. This communication framework rooted in personality science allowed me to start getting the opportunities I wanted instead of pushing them away.
For over 18 years I have used the True Colors® framework to help people remove friction in their relationships. I can help you:
Understand your communication style
Understand how people perceive you
Understand the personalities of others
Communicate better and avoid miscommunication with people of different temperaments
Using things I have taught them, my friends and clients have been able to:
Improve communication, appreciation and intimacy in marriage
Connect with their children who have temperaments very different than their own
Help their children make better choices
Get enough clarity about their boss's expectations in order to get promoted
Create a personal development plan that made them one of the most valuable members of their team
Build more collaborative relationships with professional colleagues
Lead people to more professional success
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and family is very important to me. Of course I don't speak for the church in any official capacity; I am just a member. I am sharing this with you here so that you understand the framework that I am coming from. My intention is to create an eternal family. As such, knowing that my intention is to be with these people literally for eternity, I want to invite the best in each of them. That is why I am so passionate about this message. I want to continue to invite the best in my family, and help everyone else I can to do the same. But I know that every family is different. That is what makes the True Colors® framework my foundation tool of choice. We are not carbon copy people. But when your children don't see the world the way you do, your dreams of a harmonious family may seem out of reach. I can help you invite the best in each family member in a way that preserves their divinely gifted agency and preserves your sanity.
I acknowledge that most of the time when doing corporate events it isn't appropriate to integrate faith into the presentation because you have a diverse audience. I thoroughly enjoy doing corporate trainings and helping teams become more effective working together.
In personal coaching, I prefer to integrate faith into the picture. If you choose to work with me as your direct coach and you ask me not to bring faith into the picture, I can do that. I have coached people of multiple faiths successfully. But if you really don't want faith in the picture, you might consider choosing a different coach. Here is why: My mother taught me to integrate the gospel of Jesus Christ into everything I do. As a result, I reconcile all information I learn against my understanding of the gospel. This helps me identify truth and build a more coherent life.
There are multiple professionals who, like me, are certified facilitators for True Colors International and could teach you about the True Colors® framework. When you choose me as your coach I help you with application. I go deep on how to help invite the best in yourself and the people around you. I do this by connecting the concepts in this framework to the truths of the gospel. As a result the words of Christ, the prophets, and apostles come alive with greater meaning and clarity of practical application. I help connect the principles and doctrine to practical life in a way that helps you understand that Christ's yoke is easy and his burden is light. (Matthew 11:30)
In addition, I don't stick solely to True Colors®. Instead I integrate the information I learned across years of study from many of the great leaders and personal development professionals to enrich your life in a customized feast of the best success concepts to help you invite the best in yourself and those around you.
You are considering getting yourself a life coach because you believe things can be better.
I agree!
You want to have more positive impact on the people around you. You want to communicate without so much friction. You want people to respond well to you and be motivated to act on your suggestions to them. You want closer relationships where you bring out the best in each other.
In order to have this more beautifully connected and influential life, you need to understand who you are, how you are perceived by others, and most importantly you need a framework that allows you to invite the best in others.
There are many personality and communication systems out there. The problem is that many of them are complicated, require a lot of time to understand, and are hard to apply on the fly as you meet new people.
This can give you the vague impression that you should now how to handle your interpersonal relationships better, but have a lot of rear view mirror frustration about how you didn't handle the situation as well as you should have.
True Colors® is a framework that is simple enough to apply on the fly adjusting to the new information you gain about others through natural conversation.
But more importantly, I can help you apply the information. I take the theoretical and make it extremely practical and relatable. Just knowing personality science or theory doesn't mean you have better life results. You need to know how to invite the best of everything into your life.
Only practical application with an understanding of how to flex to the person you are talking to creates the frictionless communication that we dream about. When you learn to apply these principles you will be amazed at how much your relationships can improve and how much easier you will find success in your life.
Here's what to do next.
First, schedule a free consultation using the button below. This way we can meet, and you can ask me questions to make sure that this really is what you're looking for.
In this initial conversation, I will ask you questions to better understand your goals and verify how I can help you. You are welcome to ask some tough questions of your own so you can see for yourself if I would be a good coach for you.
From there you can choose exactly how much coaching you want. Some people like a single 90 minute deep dive, others like meeting every two weeks for rapid progress. Others like meeting once a month for accountability and and keep a fresh perspective. Stanley is happy to adjust to the level of understanding you want.
Finally, enjoy the power of communication that is more natural, and the ability to connect easily with people you want to influence.
Grab your free consultation using the button below.
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